quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Time is running out to win your London 2012 tickets

Win a trip to the Opening or Closing Ceremony of The London 2012 Olympic Games.
Let the celebrations begin! Win a Ceremony package
Dear [First Name]

Win a London 2012 Opening or Closing Ceremony package

Imagine if you could be there when The London 2012 Olympic Games begin - or join in the grand finale? The great news is, you don't have to train for years like Usain Bolt to win your place - you just need your Visa card for a chance to win a trip for two in our daily prize draw, including:

  • Opening or Closing Ceremony tickets
  • Travel to and from London
  • Accommodation in a 4-star hotel
  • 2 x £50 Visa Prepaid cards

Get to The Olympic Games faster than Bolt

It's so quick and easy to enter to enter our new promotion. In fact, every time you pay with Visa between 26 March and 20 May 2012, you could already be halfway to winning. Don't wait a second more... simply fill in your name and email address and you could get to London 2012 faster than Bolt.
Win a Ceremony package
P.S. When you enter the prize draw you also have a chance to win one of 10 pairs of Olympic Games event tickets in an instant.
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Terms and conditions apply. 16+, UK resident only. Visa payment required for entry. Excludes business and commercial cards, ATM transactions and cash withdrawals. Proof of purchase required. Purchase required within promotional period. Starts at 12.00.01am on 26.03.12 ends 11.59.59 pm on 20.05.12. 1 entry per purchase, 5 entries per day. Entrants can only win 1 trip to either the Opening or Closing ceremony. Only 1 trip to be won per day. Olympic Games event ticket prizes do not include travel and accommodation. Events and venues may vary. Under 18 trip winners must be accompanied by an adult. Northern Ireland residents: No purchase necessary. These terms and conditions are subject to the London 2012 ticketing terms and conditions. The International Olympic Committee and London Organising Committee and Paralympic Games are not liable for anything arising out of this promotion and shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered or sustained as a result of participation in the Promotion or acceptance of a prize.

© Copyright Visa Europe 2012. All rights reserved. Company Branch Number: BR007632.

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